Office: 01423 855938 
Sarah: 07989 799761 
Stephen: 07901 594342 
Breve based wind analysis 
BREVe without the manufacturer branding - runs in Excel or TEDDS (requires 32 bit version of Excel) 
Add’s BREVe data to Trimble Wind Modules with no additional user interaction or error 
Allowing access to BREVe through our software add in 
NASA Shuttle Radar Terrain Mission data for topograpy 
‘BREVe based wind analysis tool for Excel AND TEDDS’ 
ONE Seat £750 
"Annual maintenance is 20% of initial fee and 1st year is included, and is NOT compulsory." 
See below for an example of what our customers have to say about us and our support levels: 
"MESS was very helpful in assisting us with a client’s questions with regards to software. They went above and beyond in helping identify where values originated in order to satisfy us and the client was comfortable utilising the software in calculations. I would like to thank Stephen in particular for getting a response to us in a short time frame under the current circumstances. Both MESS and Stephen showed excellent customer service." 
Katie Craythorne 
Façade Engineer