Duo Pitched Roof Trusses updated
Posted on 16th August 2019 at 09:16
Following the great receipt of the intial duo roof pitch offering we've expaned the range of trusses included and added more features.
Following the positive response from the intial design tool we are delighted to be able to announce further updates to make the user experience even better and the tools even more powerful!
The image below highlights the changes to the user interface including:
Multiple roof types
Member rotation for whole truss (easier than clicking individual members) and thanks to Trimble for introducing the feature in their last update!
Bottom chord roof loads
Left and Right Rafter loads applied seperately
Bottom chord deflection limits changeable by user
What isn't visible in the interface are the following changes:
Self wieght of truss now calculated
Reactions per linear metre now stated for ease of supporting structure design
Attic type roof truss dimensions more readily edited (defaulted to set dimensions previously)
All dimensions in millimetres (across the board change for all forms)
User no longer has to re select the profile required at every run (again thanks to Tedds Developers for enabling that change!)
We've not just updated the roof truss design tools though! We've also updated, at request of users
Wall stud deflection limit is now settable by user
4 Way Jamb studs re introduced into facade design
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