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Posts tagged “#LightGaugeSteel”

Working with our friends and colleagues at Design Automation Systems we are finally able to release the 'Beta Version of our 'Portal Frame Engineer 1.0'.  
It's our All Singing, All Dancing LGS Portal Design Tool with automated engineering and modelling and out puts to Excel for estimation and Tekla Structures for design / manufacture. 
We've added a raft of extra video's to our YouTube Channel - we now cover EVERY calculation we offer in around three minutes per video. 
Following the great receipt of the intial duo roof pitch offering we've expaned the range of trusses included and added more features. 
As of 12th July 2019 we will be offering Fink and Howe truss designs using our LGS add In for Tedds with access to the 30+ manufacturers in our data lists! 
Pitched roof trusses have been added to the range of calculatons included in the Tedds Add In for Light Gauge Steel 
Version 1.1 of our Breve based wind calculator is released today 12th June